(After learning how to use it,please contact us to get a test account or get a subscription.)
(Please pay attention that 1 subscription can be used on multiple devices but you can watch only on 1 device at the same time.)
This app works with username, password and a server URL that we will send to you by Email when you select this app with your order.
Example of m3u link :
In the case of the m3u link above, the server connection details are as follows:
Username: 1234
Password: abcd
Server URL: http://xxxxxxx-xx-xxxxxxx.com:xxxx
You need to connect your MAG device to the Internet and television to be able to able to watch IPTV for Mag. Then you need to follow these steps.
1-Navigate to Settings, System Settings, Servers and Portals.
2-Set WEBTV as Portal 1
3-Enter the URL in your email at the URL section of Portal 1.
4-Leave the name of Portal 2 empty.
5-Leave the URL of Portal 2 empty.
8-you can now see the list of channels.
1-You need to download the VLC Media Player/PotPlayer so you can try IPTV on PC.
2- Install the VLC/PotPlayer software and open it.
3-Navigate to Media and select Open Network Stream.
4-Enter your unique IPTV subscription link.
5-Press play and wait until you see the channels.
(if your use windows os,Recommended Use PotPlayer)
1-Go to the App/Google Store and download GSE SMART IPTV pro.
2-Accept the EULA rule
3-Select the parameters you can see in the left corner
4-Locate the menu called “Remote Playlists”.
5-Select the button named “+”.
6-Enter the URL of your IPTV subscription by selecting add m3u url.
You will need to install on your smart tv either Smart STB or Smart IPTV application. On this tutorial we will only focus on SMART IPTV App which you can get it from almost all smart tv app stores. If you have a problem with this application contact us To help you with other applications.
1.First, you need to check if your Samsung/LG TV or Fire Stick is compatible SMART TV IPTV. You need to go to the app store a nd look for the “Smart IPTV” application. If you can see the application, your device is compatible and you can download the application.
2.Once you have downloaded the Smart IPTV application, launch it.
3.Note the MAC address you can see on the screen.
4.Now visit http://xxxxx.xx/mylist/
5.Navigate to the section called "Add an external playlist link. You must enter the MAC address here. You must also include the unique URL of your IPTV subscription under the field called “Link”.
7.Check the “Keep Online” box.
8.Now select the “Add Link” button.
9.Restart the TV.
10.If you want to see the channel groups, simply press the blue button you see on the remote control.
1- You have to open Kodi.
2- Click on System.
3- You must now click on TV.
4- Then click on General.
5- You must select Enabled. This will bring up a window that will tell you that you don’t have a PVR client enabled.
6-Select OK.
7- Scroll down and click on PVR IPTV Single Client.8- Click on Enable
9-Click on Configure
10- Add the URL of the M3U playlist you have.
11-Select OK
12-Select OK again.
13-Restart Kodi.
14- When you come back, you will be able to see the TV on the home screen.
15- You can click on it and see the list of live TV channels.